
Living the ultimate life... possible for you.

• love and faith, family and safety of loved ones,
spiritual development and self-realization, open mind and good heart,
helping those who need, awareness of purpose and dreams
in the never-ending way of life

• constructing company management systems and sales structure,
motivational mentoring combining private and professional life,
practical training in interpersonal relationship techniques,
with a powerful impact on sales performance
and effective management of a group of employees at various levels,
in both flat and (multi)network systems, MLM.MBA


This is my oasis in which I will always find understanding and unconditional love. Each day I welcome with hope, that my family also finds such an oasis in me and every day I says goodbye, thanking her for being able to understand and love me unconditionally...


Sometimes I succumb to wind gusts, as if I were a falling autumn leaf. And this is beautiful. But I always make sure that they would be this wind relatives and friends, people of a pure heart, full of passion and dreams of freedom...


There are no well-done "mundane" matters without internal agreement with "spiritual" matters. When something conflicts between, nothing good can happen. I create ideas that I turn into indestructible values​ and lasting relationships...

Hominem quaero

I don't change trust into small ones - I always have them and I give them to others completely. And although my life experiences have shown that some use it against me, I still believe "despite and in spite of", in other people. "Hominem quaero"...

If you are looking for quick contact with me, call and leave a message - I will call you back (office automat 7/24):

+48 787 001 002


Spiritual development raised above materialism gives real freedom. Anywhere, anytime.

Regardless of where you are and what you do, freedom means full internal harmony, without conflicts that can arise due to the lack of consistency between daily activities and the goal and dreams.



Karateka amateur

The fascinating process of mind control over the body, striving for perfection and overcoming insurmountable barriers...


Glider pilot

The moments when I feel free like a bird remain in my mind forever. Sometimes I don't go, but I swim over the sidewalk in a crowded city...



You think, You speak, You have. Poetry is exactly in the middle, between thought and what thought turns into matter. It is a means of harmony...


Mensa ID 985

All points collected on the Cattell scale are sometimes not worth one gesture of love ... Intelligence? - helps love understand.

An idea turned into success

I develop every thought, supported by an idea for development, to the end.

A nascent idea can never be left unattended. If this happens, we get used to dying. And dying is not our goal ... Every creative thought that appears MUST be realized; day after day, piece by piece, even if it would last a lifetime. And it doesn't matter if you have the resources or the time to do it, the essence of development is the WAY, not the goal.

Current project

"For all who feel 'socially excluded' by dishonest affiliate programs, pyramid systems, marketing for profit (mainly for their owners and a small group of leaders); for everyone who is sick of it..."



-Originator, -Founder, -Owner

"No restrictions. No barriers."
A group of independent business ventures based on openness to other people's values. The idea of the program is to promote new solutions aimed at raising the awareness of people and cooperating companies.

The Group's goal is to create a cluster of integrated entities operating in the common interest and synergy of combined opportunities. Entry to the Group is verified by internal certification.


Originator, Founder, Owner, Mentor

Comprehensive consulting for companies in the field of creating systems for managing groups of people at all levels of the enterprise.




Online store (promoting the best products of Polish producers) with a partner system for settling sales margins and payback.

MLM Consulting

Originator, Founder, Owner, Mentor

Professional preparation of marketing plans and settlement systems along with the implementation on the network marketing market.


Initiator, Founder, Co-owner, Graphic designer

Privately – hobby and relaxation in creating graphics, for friends – graphic emergency service for every occasion. ;-)

Hyperbaric Chambers
- Polish producer -

Manufacturer's Representative

A hyperbaric chamber is the key to longevity: an 8-fold increase in stem cells without transplants and complications.

Komory Hiperbaryczne
- import -

Importer's Representative

A hyperbaric chamber is the key to longevity: an 8-fold increase in stem cells without transplants and complications.


Business Partner

Independent portal for MLM distributors and leaders (in preparation for the opening of a social website and publishing house).

MLM Forum

Business Partner

The oldest MLM forum in Poland, now obsolete and expired, although still unique to many – the largest MLM "archive-mine".

In the past...


Initiator, Founder, Co-owner, CEO

One of the largest and most dynamic companies in the Internet services industry, with comprehensive service for companies and individuals.


Initiator, Founder, Co-owner, Editor in Chief

The largest academic newspaper and the largest student internet portal, independent of and outside any university authorities.

I'm looking for...

Help for those who need, support for seekers, outstretched hand to those who no longer believe...

In my life I have walked many paths where stones often lay, creating almost insurmountable barriers. I gained them, believing that every time I take a big step bringing me closer to success. Today, I humbly discover every stone, leaving the passage for others and looking for what I once lost...

I still believe in other people and still trust. :-)

... a human

True Story


Originator, Founder, Owner, Mentor

A shock is needed, from time to time, one that turns us upside down and prevents us from breathing; one that renews us...

Hominem Quaero


Initiator, Founder, Owner, Philanthropist

Among us live those who can no longer see the light. Quietly, alone, they touch the walls in a dark room and look for a way out...

Why I Help


There is nothing more beautiful than helping those who need us...

We help animals


Action initiator

Let's not forget about our "smaller brothers"...


Acquaintances and friends

I recommend with a pure heart – exceptional energy, extraordinary personalities, professional services, proven products, ... :-)

Business Partners, Clients

I present (very selectively) those with whom I met on a business level – trainings and consultancies that I conducted, including personal development workshops, directional personal trainings or non-verbal communication, as well as management of "dynamizing" or ordinary partnership cooperation.

I used the words "selectively" because many people and companies prefer to show the brand through the prism of their own knowledge, actions for success or effectiveness in achieving the intended goal and "reluctantly" to share information that someone is outside helped. That's why they're not here.

I absolutely respect it and inform you that all confidentiality and confidentiality agreements on my part are and will always be respected.

At the same time, I emphasize that the company's logo shown does not always mean cooperation with its central management – very often my cooperation was associated with an independent partner group of a given company, represented by a group leader or a contract manager with the status of "independent business entrepreneur". The logo or trademark used is fully justified, because the given group represented the brand in a formal way.

And finally, I have to add one very important thing – among the trademarks listed here are those (often representing companies that no longer exist) that I feel ashamed of working with today. I placed them among those that I value and respect (and which I apologize for this "mixed" company), but I did not want to hide the experience thanks to which today I can show someone predictable errors and deficiencies in the created activity. Sometimes a beautiful idea falls when so-called the dominant (bad qualities) human factor fails ...


















































"The biggest fuc... mess in business finance appears when the company stop to do anything for personal development; we say - human development in general..."

– Wisla, PL, 2015

"Is dealers recruitment difficult? High turnover of people? - this is the" problem "of those who are looking for robots to make cash for business owners." tbc...

– Cracow, PL, 2001

...c.: "If in the recruit you see a human and give him what he deserves while working for you, you will gain more than if you had artificially trained a hundred salespeople."

– Cracow, PL, 2001

"MLM is for everyone! - bu...hit, if the system is based on poor financial and methodological parameters. " tbc...

– Druskienniki, 2010

"c.: "However, the most damage is done by those who lie to this statement by people who have not previously been explained what multilevel marketing is and what are the differences between it and the financial pyramid."

– Druskienniki, 2010

"Education is needed to cope without intelligence; intelligence is to cope without education."

– Cracow / Katowice, 1992

By getting to know me and accepting my advice, you get on the bridge without retreat, leave behind a gap that separates you from the past. Anxiety and an unknown fear of change will be born in you, but don't be afraid, I will help you win. You are only one word away from real success - it's a "decision". Your. If you take it, nothing will stop you, you will enter the road that will lead you to your destination. And it will only be your merit, I will only help you make this decision.


Let's start with the answers to the questions that are in you, and in particular with some basic data about me that will dispel your doubts about the choice of my person for your change. Below I present my qualifications, which are both my passion and life - I give you my whole self at every described point and at any moment.

YOU are someone who wants to achieve the goal, someone who "hires" me and requires me - that's why I will present my qualifications as if it was a CV of my achievements.

> Empathy, "social", non-verbal speech

• excellent evaluation of employee and client emotional state
• ability to read individual body language and assess group behavior
• ease of making contact
• experience and outstanding skills in conducting thematic presentations and trainings
• outstanding ability to conduct interviews and motivational training
• preparation based on experience in the field of social psychology
• perfectly mastered persuasion and negotiation techniques
• knowledge of telemarketing processes
• professional operation in the after-sales customer service process

> Administrative and legal efficiency

• skill and experience in project management
• fast assimilation of new organizational issues from any topic
• complete independence in the preparation of all office documentation
• knowledge of graphic programs allows me to be fluent in preparing advertising, folders, letters, offers, graphic signs, etc.
• ability to analyze legal documentation; the ability to prepare offers, contracts, regulations, letters and other documents on any subject
• knowledge of topics of project and space management in the workplace
• perfect navigation on the Internet; ability to find the information you need

> Knowledge of issues and experience in conducting training in the field of

• effective ways of making contact with other people
• acquiring the ability to influence others
• understanding and using body language, the ability to listen, see and recognize non-verbal interlocutor messages
• conducting effective negotiations
• programming the future - your own strategy of failure and success, models of planning and achieving goals
• transforming negative experiences into positive ones
• changing your perceptions of yourself
• verifying and shaping values and beliefs


• goal management, time management, task management
• self-presentation
• business conversation
• motivation on a daily basis, how to motivate employees
• managerial training, creating Leaders in the Company, improving Trainers
• business communication
• telephone conversation
• customer typological assessment
• voltage modulation on the presentation
• efficiency pyramid
• the art of listening, active listening
• social distance, DO and OD position
• effective job search
• teacher and students
• the art of group communication

> What are your other expectations ...?

... YOU decide.

Meet with me

Cenię umiejętność wyrażania myśli w "co najmniej poprawej" polszczyźnie, dlatego z bólem, ale z konieczności, zamieszczam nazwy angielskie, które dla wielu będą jedyną wskazówką mówiącą o zawartości oferty: Training, Coaching, Mentoring. Spotkam się z każdym, kto do siebie lub/i do swojego pomysłu przekona mnie już w rozmowie telefonicznej, a dalej – wszystko jest możliwe. Nie proponuję tzw. "cennika rynkowego" za doradztwo, bo taki nie istnieje, nie ma też wymiernego odpowiednika mojej oferty na rynku – dlatego kwestię wspólnych i wymiernych korzyści pozostawiam do ustalenia w trybie indywidualnym.


• Spotkanie
"Poznajmy się"


spotkanie indyw., max. 30 min.
  • Przekonaj mnie do siebie
  • Powiedz, co chcesz zrobić
  • Zaraź mnie swoją pasją lub...
  • ... opowiedz o problemach
  • Pokaż mi swój cel


• Wiedza
ws. Praktyka

cena do negocjacji

szkolenie 1,2 i 3-dniowe
  • Dla grup maks. 72 os.
  • ... ustalenia indyw. ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...


• Szkolenia
• Warsztaty

cena do negocjacji

3-4 sesje (każda 2-3 dni)
  • Dla grup maks. 12 os.
  • ... ustalenia indyw. ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...


• Doradztwo
• Opieka stała

udział w projekcie

period startowy min. pół roku
  • Bez limitów os.
  • ... ustalenia indyw. ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
Kontakt / biuro – zadzwoń i zostaw wiadomosć (office automat 7/24):

+48 787 001 002

Ważne informacje

Przeczytaj, zanim skontaktujesz się ze mną. Wiele osób szuka rozwiązań zarówno biznesowych, jak i natury leżącej w kształtowaniu rozwoju osobistego poprzez nieetyczne ścieżki realizacji i osiągania celów – niestety, muszę rozczarować tych, którzy liczą na to, że potrafią mnie kupić.

> Omijam

Nie podejmuję rozmów z osobami i firmami, które działają niezgodnie z etyką biznesową, nie przestrzegają norm społecznych, promują nieuczciwe rozwiązania marketingowe, wprowadzają na rynek systemy piramidalne, udostepniają treści pornograficzne czy też działają na niesformalizowanych zasadach prawno-administracyjnych.

Nie wchodzę we współpracę i nie popieram żadnej organizacji politycznej.

> Wspieram

W każdy dostępny mi sposób przyłączę się do działania na rzecz organizacji charytatywnych, fundacji i stowarzyszeń, osób chorych i niepełnosprawnych, akcji środowiskowych i innych inicjatyw społecznych, zarówno lokalnych, jak i w skali ogólnokrajowej czy na arenie międzynarodowej.

> Dotuję

Budzą we mnie podziw wszystkie inicjatywy związane z tworzeniem i rozwojem nowych biznesów, opartych na innowacyjnych pomysłach zarówno doświadczonych przedsiębiorców, jak i osób nie mających dotychczas historii gospodarczej. Masz wizję, a brakuje Ci środków? – skontaktuj się ze mną. Masz ciekawy produkt, a nie masz środków, by stworzyć system marketingowy? – przyłącz się do mnie.

Tym, którzy nie zgadzają się z moimi poglądami, polecam poniższy film. Wyjątkowy przekaz, szczególnie od ok. 54. minuty. Zachęcam również do kilkukrotnego obejrzenia scen pomiędzy 127. a 172. minutą...

Jeśli pomimo tego nie znajdziesz harmonii w moich słowach, cóż, wielu osobom pomogło kilkukrotne obejrzenie filmu. ;-)

Kontakt / biuro – automat 7/24:

+48 787 001 002

Kontakt info

Proszę o wyrozumiałość, jeśli nie odbiorę telefonu – bardzo często mam wyłączony dźwięk, gdy prowadzę szkolenia. Nagraj wiadomość, oddzwonię.

  • -Tel. (biuro)
  • +48 787 001 002

  • -E-mail
  • Formularz kontaktowy

  • Formularz kontaktowy
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